
LOVE - These Songs 

Polly Scattergood - Bunny Club

Set Your Goals - This Will Be The Death Of Us

The Stone Roses - I Wanna Be Adored

The Klaxons - Golden Skans

LCD Soundsystem - New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down

HATE - How Early It Gets Dark These Days

It might just be me, but I don't remember it being dark at 4:30pm last year. Totally throwing me off


  1. ah, but you are mistaken...in the winter time, it always starts to get dark at around 430. It is brutal though...mostly because I don't like to do work when it gets dark out. For some reason I equate darkness with relaxation...weird.

  2. I have to say it also throws me off when I look outside and its dark so early... its even worse because of the bus strike when you have night class. It feels like I'm walking home at midnight not 9. I think I also equate night with sleep and relaxation, meaning i hardly get anything done anymore. Maybe I should just shut myself in the library... its always bright in there. I'll trick myself into thinking its still daylight!
