A great excuse to get blackout in a ridiculous outfit. Heres some fitting music for the weekend.
A great excuse to get blackout in a ridiculous outfit. Heres some fitting music for the weekend.
HATE - Lack of Water Fountains
I was in line at Tim Horton's today on campus, browsing through the Gazette, and happened upon an article raising concern over the lack of water fountains these days, and I have to say I agree. If there were a better designed fountain though, more of a tap. I understand there are sinks on campus, but the stigma attached to "tap water" is probably too much for most people to deal with. If it were all metal and sanitary looking, like most water fountains are, and were able to fill re-usable containers quickly, I'm thinking it would be a pretty solid call. I'm just so damn thirsty.
images - art.com/merch.com
One of the most remixed songs as of late, La Roux's Bulletproof on its own is a good song. The English duo of Elly Jackson and Ben Langmaid have put together a sound that has really capitalized on the electropop/synthpop movement, headed by a talented front-woman (ala The Gossip, The Noisettes, Lykki Li, Little Boots etc.) But while the original "Bulletproof" is good, I feel what other people have done with it have definitely taken it from good to great. That being said, there's like a million, and some are better than others, so here's the original and some of the remixes I've had on repeat.
La Roux - Bulletproof
La Roux - Bulletproof - (Y A L L Remix)
La Roux x The Killers - Smile Like You're Bulletproof Remix
HATE - Rogers Customer Service
I'm sure everyone has a horror story about dealing with Rogers in one way or another, I know I have more than a few. I feel like every time I call them with a question about my cellphone, I'm talking to one of those people in Men In Black, the ones that aliens have chosen on live in. Just no grasp of reality, basic conversation skills, or able to help the customer in any way. Useless. I've been told to "foster more comments on posts", so feel free to express rage against Rogers or horror stories in the "comments".
Pics from Drukendata.com, Kevinrestivo.com
Heres the list of songs that are on heavy rotation this week.
Thanks to those that influenced.
Soulwax - Krack
Fever Ray - If I Had A Heart
Matthew Good - 21st Century Living
Frightened Rabbit - The Modern Leper
Notorious B.I.G. x Miley Cyrus - Party and Bullshit (In the USA)
HATE - Midterms
Yeah, midterms deserve at least two days of Hate in a row. Also, why do we have classes during midterms, but not finals. Come onnn. (yes I know, still slacking on posts)
Metric is coming to London on the 23rd and to those lucky enough to have tickets to the sold out show, I'm sure it's going to be a rockin good time. It also seems like as good a time as any to showcase the lead singer Emily Haines, one of the most talented female vocalists Canada has to offer. I've been a fan of Metric for a long time, along with Emily's solo work, Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton. Some considered Metrics most recent effort "Fantasies" to be a bit too commercial, straying from the indie roots they grew in Toronto, but while I admit it was a different sound, I think it worked for the band. It also garnered the band a much broader audience, and it's always nice to see Canadians doing well. In an interesting collaboration, Haines has teamed up with DJ Tiesto for his new album Kaleidoscope, released on October 6th. I'm not usually a fan of the sprawling Tiesto eurostyle tracks, but Haines' voice is just way too good not to listen to. Heres a smorgasbord of some of her best, including the new Tiesto.
Metric - Wet Blanket - Old World Underground
Metric - Grow Up and Blow Away - Grow Up and Blow Away
Metric - Monster Hospital - Mstrkrft Remix
Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton - The Lottery - Knives Don't Have Your Back
Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton - Doctor Blind - Knives Don't Have Your Back
Tiesto ft. Emily Haines - Knock You Out - Kaleidoscope
HATE - Midterms
I know I've been slacking pretty hard on posting, but everyone's in the same boat in terms of being swamped with work, so I figure lurking this blog isn't the top of everyones priorities. But yeah, once midterms are done, back to posting regularly. Good luck surviving erryone.
Depeche Mode - Photographic - Credits
Fischerspooner - Emerge - Eddie Wall
Junior Senior - Move Your Feet - Lauri Heiksari
Muse - Hysteria - Eero Ettala
(This is a response I have to do for my class and post on my blog, pay no attention)
I found a track by the band in the summer (Dominos), and although I liked it, I never really followed up further. After lurking at what the authors of one of my favourite music blogs were listening to (Tympanogram), I decided I would delve into the entire album, and I was thoroughly impressed. Big Pink is a duo comprised of Robbie Furse and Milo Cordell, two life-long friends from London, England. They started making music together in 2007 and have since garnered much praise. If your wondering about the name, its taken from the The Band's first album of the same name (another fantastic band). The band has a real interesting sound, incorporating classic rock riffs with spacey synths and epic bass lines, at times sounding something like M83, others almost like Oasis. Here are some of my favourites so far.
The Big Pink - Dominos
The Big Pink - Golden Pendulum
The Big Pink - Too Young To Love
The Big Pink - At War With The Sun
HATE - The London Garbage Schedule
I realize that not everyone that reads this blog is from London, and that many of the "hates" so far have been London related, but trust me, this one must be told. For those who don't know, the the London garbage schedule (decent band name?) runs on a weekly cycle. If last week the garbage was picked up on monday, this week it's picked up on tuesday. It constantly changes each week. On top of this, the city is divided into regions, that all have a different day during the single week, so even if you see garbage out on your way to campus, it doesn't necessarily mean its also garbage day for you. Now I'm not going to go so far as to say the city is trying to trick myself and my roommates, but with exams, boozing, etc. what night we have to put the garbage out isn't exactly on the top of our minds. And I do mean night, you cant put the garbage out before 6pm, as one week we tried to be real proactive and toss out the garbage before we headed to campus. Big mistake as our landlord pointed out, fines, etc. With 6 guys, the garbage piles up, and missing that crucial night of pick-up leads to one smelly nightmare. I can't off of the top of my head think of why this system is in place, but I''m sure there's some purpose other than to make our lives miserable. If its because the city is too big to have all of the garbage picked up in one day, just have each region of the city have a specific day of the week that doesnt change. Just sayin'
Boys Night Out - Hey, Thanks
ps. for those of you who don't know where the picture is from, consult one of the funniest comedy skits of all time

This movie occupied one of those "too much of a good thing" spaces in my life for a while after doing an english project on both the book and the film. I don't know of a faster way to lose interest in something you love than to have it for homework. This being said, I pulled the DVD out the other week and the feelings of disdain have left. Released in 2005, Thumbsucker is the coming-of-age story of Justin Cobb. Justin wrestles with his dysfunctional family, school, girls, drugs, pretty much what you would expect out of the typical teenage dealing with the world movie. But I put this film in a different category, simply because of how differently it deals with the classic issues, along with the casting of Keanu Reeves and Vince Vaughn, both in roles you would never really expect. The music is also very well put together, performed primarily by The Polyphonic Spree. It also has one of my favourite ending scenes of all time, but I won't ruin that for ya. Heres a trailer and some music from the film.