I'll admit, I don't know much about this up and coming label, but I have a feeling many of us will soon. Based in Germany, Zimtstern has set out to create a fashion forward collection while still implementing the highest standards of snowboard technology. They recently won Breakthrough Brand of the Year at the SOURCE European Snowboarding Industry forum and the novel way the approach marketing their brand is already making waves in the industry. Their site showcases their products as well as a ton of wallpapers, info on their team, and a blog of their own. This brings me to the entire reason I know of them in the first place. A friend linked me to the most recent ad for their new collection and its mind-blowing to say the least. I wont embed the video here because seeing it HD as big as possible is the only real way to the work justice. Heres the link and be sure the check the making of after. I have immense respect for the guys, choosing to make the concept work in reality as opposed to using CGI to put the entire thing together.
Hate - Goofy Snowboard Collaborations
This is as embarrassing to the snowboard industry as Greg Lutzka is to skateboarding. As I'm sure you've heard, he has recently 'teamed up' with K-swiss.