
LOVE - Great Snowboard Music 
Seeing as its October 15th, it only makes sense for it to start snowing in the city of London. Everything is just always better here, its science. Can't argue science. In honor of the first snowfall, a selection of great songs that I originally found featured in 3 of my favourite snowboard movies.  (expect a HATE post on the snow in the near future)

Billy Idol - (Do Not) Stand In The Shadows - Joni Malmi 

Depeche Mode - Photographic - Credits 

Fischerspooner - Emerge - Eddie Wall

Junior Senior - Move Your Feet -  Lauri Heiksari


(amazing intro)

Air - Alone in Kyoto - Dave Downing

Muse - Hysteria - Eero Ettala

Sparta - Air - Jeremy Jones 

Felix Da Housecat - Ready 2 Wear

Teddybears - Yours To Keep


HATE - This Genius

Everyone and their facebook status has been talking about the beatdown police served to the 22 year old 4th Year Western student yesterday. I'm not here to get on my soapbox and rant and rave about this and that like many in the Youtube comments have done. The main problem I have is with the conference that happened earlier today, specifically, tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum on the microphones. For Elgin Austen, the head of the Campus Police to sit there and say that he saw "nothing out of order" and that “Our officers did what they needed to do to ensure that he and others around him were safe" is embarrassing. I fully understand that being a police officer is a very dangerous job, and that certain policies and safeguards are in place to keep them safe while keeping the public safe. But seriously, come on Elgin, there is a difference between enforcing policy and hiding behind it. 

Sidenote: wow is the London Free Press website is a disaster to navigate.

1 comment:

  1. Love the snowboard music picks! Snow is great because it means SNOWBOARDING WEATHER... but like you said, we're all prone to complain about it as well :P
