LOVE - These
Alright, so I know I haven't posted anything new in a long time. Between starting work and having no internet in London until last week, there haven't been many opportunities for me to post anything. However, once I did get the internet back I got a ton of new shit and listened it out at work. So heres the best of what I've found, a giant post of songs and albums that will be in heavy rotation for the duration of the summer.

First off, the album I've been waiting for all year, the new Tokyo Police Club effort "Champ". After the crushing disappointment that was Brand New's long-awaited "Daisy" I was hesitant to get my hopes up for Champ, but one listen through my expectations were not only met but exceeded. This is undoubtedly my album of the summer. I didn't know how the rest of the album would match up to the incredibly strong first single "Breakneck Speed", but literally by the first song "Favourite Food" I knew I was in for something new in a great way. Front to back this is a great album.
Next is Foals, a British band that I cant remember where I heard of them, but both their debut (Antidotes) and sophomore albums (Total Life Forever) are top notch. I don't really know who to compared them to, Bloc Party? Possibly based solely on the British accents. Heres some of my favourite songs from both albums
Fang Island's debut self-titled album dropped in February of this year and has already made them Pitchfork darlings. Im pretty sure I'm late to the party on posting about them, but this albums pretty different from what I usually listen to, as the songs really have to be listened together as an album rather than individually, but listening to it at work I was really impressed at how it all just kind of meshed into one awesome track. Here's a couple of songs that work on their own.
and the rest
HATE - Insulation
I don't expect that most people reading this have dealt with installing insulation in a house before, but let me tell you, this stuff is the devils work. No matter how hard you try, you will get it in your eyes, on your skin, and have you hacking up a lung all day. Highly Unenjoyable.
Also, have you ever gone to the bank ATM to deposit a paycheque and there were no envelopes. Biggest piss-off of the week, by far.