It might just be me, but I don't remember it being dark at 4:30pm last year. Totally throwing me off
LOVE - More Class Responses!
It's time again for another response I have to post for my class. Disregard anything past here -->
The End?
The Endis a series put together by the CBC and hosted by Jian Ghomeshi. It focuses on the effects that new technologies, primarily resulting from the development of Web 2.0, are having on traditional analog technologies; radio, television, and print.
Radio existed in largely the same format for decades after its inception, but in just the last decade, has changed dramatically. One of the biggest initial developments was the invention of satellite radio. As opposed to traditional radio that is bogged down with commercials and offers little in the way of customization, XM satellite radio offers hundreds of specialty channels catering to listeners specific preferences, largely commercial free. Although you have to pay for the satellite radio, there now exist new free forms of radio as well. Podcasts have drastically changed the radio landscape, offering the user to not only listen to programs that are more finely tuned to their interests, but the ability to download and store the content for later use. Without a doubt the biggest change to radio, or music in general as a result of internet progression, is the invention of music downloading services like napster, limewire, and eventually iTunes. Although pirated free music has delivered a crippling blow to the music industry, pay-per-download sites like iTunes and Amazon have been met with comparatively large success in the market in a very short amount of time.
In terms of television, it is impossible to ignore the influence YouTube has had on all forms of media in the last couple of years. Offering the ability to upload and view videos instantly, from around the world, creating a community millions strong in the process, YouTube is the epitome of a Web 2.0 success story. Other ways in which users can watch videos outside of television include the Slingbox, downloading videos using BitTorrent, even streaming content directly to cell phones.
The effect of Web 2.0 on print is a more recent development which effects are being seen more and more prominently. With the advent of blogs, Wikipedia, Google Books, and E-Readers, the importance of physical print documents is beginning to be questioned. Where once the question of print dying was absurd, it now seems not quite probable, but surely plausible. Online versions of traditional media, like the New York Times shows that, although they may say they are not worried about the future of print, they are not confident enough to completely ignore it.
HATE - Still Hate Having To Post These
LOVE - These Pictures
So after last weeks post about the site, I've decided to try and put together a weekly collection of pics I find, similar to the weekly post of songs. Here's what I've come across.
HATE - BlackBerry Batteries
There is no doubting that RIM has constantly been developing and releasing increasingly more powerful and technologically advanced phones, but it just seems like the increase in functionality hasn't been met with an increase in battery power, but rather, the opposite. My battery only lasts about half the time of my Blackberry from 2 years ago. Just doesn't make any sense.
LOVE - The Hush Sound
This is another band that I've had kicking around my iTunes since at least highschool. The quartet from Illinois released their debut album So Sudden in 2005, and although they have released two albums since then, I feel their best work was definitely their first. They were one of the first bands I can remember that really put together a solid girl/guy vocal duo. They also have a super original sound, with no two songs really sounding alike. Here's a link to their site, and a couple of my favourite tracks that have managed to stay good over the years.
My roommate and I had an epiphany earlier this year while griping about having to do bibliographies. Why do we have to format bibliographies in such a ridiculous way? I have lost huge marks for not properly indenting my works cited, or not having it in alphabetical order. Even if the prof actually takes the time to check the sources you have used, I think it just makes it more difficult to read using MLA or whatever other style your forced to use. It's like having to write what sources you used in latin, just because that is how it is done. What is so detrimental about simply writing the title of the book, the author, what pages you used etc. If you used a website, put a link to exactly what you used. Just seems logical to me.
I honestly have no idea how many people know about this site, but I'm writing about it anyways. FFFOUND is basically a place where people and link to pictures they found on the internet. Doesn't sound too interesting, but, there's a twist. Say you go to the homepage, find something that interests you, click on it, it will automatically come up with a bunch of other pictures somehow related to the one you chose, and I have to say, it's not only very good at what it does, it's addictive. I would compare it to wikipedia, in that you can click on something, find something else cool, and before you know it an hour disappeared. I also like how you can save pretty much everything you come across, as most of the stuff is pretty high quality in terms of artistic merit, and make great backgrounds, etc. Here's some stuff I've come across in the last little bit.
HATE - How Mac Computers Don't Actively Support Animated GIFs
I just wanna be able to scroll through my pictures and watch hilarity like this
LOVE - Dick Jauron Has Been Fired
It was revealed yesterday that Dick Jauron, head coach of the Buffalo Bills, has been relieved of his position. This comes after four seasons at the helm, none of which produced a record above .500. This may be somewhat out of character from what is usually posted, but trust me, this is big news. Sitting on the exec of the Buffalo Bills Club at Western and living with 5 rabid fans, this is a glimmer of hope in what has been a bleak existence full of heartbreak for the fans of Buffalo. Although I'm certainly happy about the move, a part of me is going to miss the man, based solely on the fact that he legitimately looks like a zombie, and was always entertained at the fact that the living dead was running a football team.
HATE - How Need For Speed Shift Has Taken Over My Life
LOVE - Astra Moveo
About a week ago I got an email from a member of the band Astra Moveo. I had never heard of them before, and in the interest of those who also haven't, heres a bit of info straight from the source.
"Astra Moveo, the Electro Rock band from Denver,Colorado will be releasing their much anticipated self-titled debut album on December 1. Between the early beats of Giorgio Moroder and the forefront of darker modern dance phenoms, lies Astra Moveo's soundtrack for the mind and dance floor. Having played with: The Faint, Midnight Juggernauts, Yelle, Does It Offend You, We Are Wolves, Sebastien Tellier etc. they've put together what is surely the next grand movement in their genre. Starting out as a collaboration between friends, Christophe Eagleton (Producer/Keys/Beats), James Cromwell Holden (Bass/Keys/ Second Vocals), and Tyler Hayden (vocals/Guitar/Keys) formed what is now the core three of Astra Moveo. The eponymous full length record emits real life experience, as well as echos of the spiritual from most of the record being written and recorded in the core three's haunted mansion in the highlands of Denver. The album is set to be released digitally, with limited hard copy and vinyl editions"
Now, I am not entirely sure about you, but I pretty much retained "The Faint" (great band) and "recorded in a haunted mansion in the highlands of Denver". Needless to say, I was intrigued. I went directly to their myspace to get an idea of what I was getting into, and after listening to "Dollface", the most played song, I have to admit, I wasn't sure it was something I could get into. However, the band graciously offered to send me the full album if I was interested, so I took them up on the offer and am glad I did, because I could have easily sold them short. The album reveals a much more diverse and polished band than their myspace leads on. Immediately reminding me of some sort of Shiny Toy Guns/Minitel Rose/Killers combination, I found myself starting to seriously get into some of their beats. This being said, its not quite the complete front to back great album I love, although I was really impressed in how rich and complete their sound is for a debut. Here are the songs that I feel reflect the potential these guys have. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Well, looks like my class attendance is going to drop dramatically November 16th
LOVE - Phrazes of the Young
Phrazes of the Young in the new album from The Strokes lead singer Julian Casablancas. I have always been a passive fan of The Strokes, great party music, gets people in the mood to have a good time. However, I think Casablancas has out done himself in this solo effort. After hearing comparisons being made to Thom Yorke's Eraser, I went in with expectations high, and was blown away. I hope the albums met with huge success, because it is much deserved. Heres the first single "11 Dimension" and two other favourites so far.
Just seems inevitable, and its the worst.
Sidenote: Wikipedia entry on stains, strangely humorous
LOVE - Hands Reversed Tokyo Police Club have kicked around in my library for years, but it was really only until I saw them live with Ruby Coast (another fantastic band) last year at Call The Office in London, that they turned into one of my favourite bands. I plan on doing a more in-depth post on the band in the future, as this is more focused on the video the band released recently. They have been picked up on the american label Mom+Pop Records and plan to release their second full length album Forthcoming Lp early in 2010, and this video is the first real public sign of anything related to it. There's something about the fact that a band with such wide recognition and praise, who could have easily made a huge deal about pre-releasing a new single, decided instead to put out an understated, low-fi, and in my mind very Canadian (they're from Newmarket) home-made video instead. I just think it's so damn cool. The song is Hands Reversed, check it out.
LOVE - These Songs
First I gotta apologize for the lack of posting as of late. A combination of halloween weekend, a wild trip to Buffalo and too much booze/not enough sleep have led to my swine-like existence in bed for the last couple of days. But once I (hopefully) survive the next few days of immense assignments and exams, there are exciting things in store, I promise. So here are a few tracks that have been easing the healing.