Love - The Farewell Circuit
The Farewell Circuit is composed of four guys from Minneapolis, another band that just randomly sent me an email. The really sincere message contained references to Death Cab For Cutie, Sigur Ros, and Radiohead. Immediately red flags started to go up. These are not only some of my personally favourite bands, I consider them among some of the most talented bands in music today. They were gracious enough to allow me access to the whole album, and once again, my expectations were not only met, but exceeded. I'm not entirely sure how to explain it, but its some of the first music I have listened to in a while that didn't really feel like the artist was really trying hard, in a good way. I also got a real wintery vibe from the entire album, its not necessarily dark, but I picture it being played in a warm chalet as opposed to any point in the summer. In terms of the bands they compared themselves so, it's not like I am going to say they've transcended them, but the have definitely been heavily influenced by their sounds, and used to them in an intelligent way in the record. I noticed on their
myspace they are friends with
The Rural Alberta Advantage, another great band (more for the summer) that I otherwise wouldn't have made a connection between the two, but their sounds definitely work well together. Here are a couple of my current favourites from the album so far. (You definitely hear the Radiohead influence in "
The Farewell Circuit - The Inexorable March of Time
The Farewell Circuit - Salt
The Farewell Circuit - Good Winter
Hate - Cold FX
Roomates were sick this week, and I started to feel under the weather. With one exam left and not wanting to be sick studying, I bought some Cold FX. 2 days and like 10 pills later (your supposed to take 6 the first day) I feel like death. Goodbye $13, hello sick studying. You suck Cold FX, you suck so bad.